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NxStage® Versi®HD with GuideMe Software

The next generation home hemodialysis system.

We offer a flexible home hemodialysis (HHD) therapy experience and provide clinicians with tools to support remote patient management.1

GuideMe Software

Through advances in user interface design, GuideMe Software aims to improve ease of learning, training retention, and overall usability for both patient and care partner.

Ease of Use

Ease of use extends to the steps to begin a treatment: Insert a single-use cartridge into the cycler, spike a bag of saline, and press the start priming button on the touch screen. Pressing the ‘Guide Me’ button displays step-by-step illustrated instructions to assist in a particular task.


Pre-mixed bags give patients the ability to treat almost anywhere their destination takes them.


Dialyze anywhere — even when electricity or a water source is not readily available. The system can be run using a generator and/or with disposable pre-mixed bags.

Take a Tour of VersiHD with GuideMe Software

In this short video, learn about the features and functionality of the VersiHD cycler.

Ask Us About VersiHD with GuideMe Software

GuideMe Software

Features step-by-step, on-screen instructions throughout setup, treatment, and troubleshooting.

Enhanced Displays

Are designed to consolidate and intuitively summarize pertinent treatment information.

Product Features

VersiHD & Nx2me Connected Health®

By pairing the most prescribed HHD system in the U.S. with our intuitive connected health platform, we aim to simplify the home therapy experience, improve clinical workflow, and help patients and clinicians stay more connected.

During treatment, the cycler automatically transmits information, such as rates, volumes, and pressures, to the app, reducing the number of manual tasks and the potential for errors.

Patients can electronically record their flowsheet information, including blood pressure, pulse, and medications, as well as speak directly with support staff.

Finished flowsheets are securely submitted to the Clinician Portal, where the patient's care team can identify potential problems before unscheduled care is needed.

Risks and Responsibilities

Patients should review the following information carefully and discuss it with their doctors to decide whether home hemodialysis with NxStage systems is right for them.

Users should weigh the risks and benefits of performing home hemodialysis with NxStage systems.

  • Medical staff will not be present to respond to health emergencies that might happen during home treatments.
  • Users and their care partners will be responsible for all aspects of their hemodialysis treatments from start to finish.
  • Users may not experience the reported benefits of home, more frequent or nocturnal hemodialysis with the NxStage systems.
  • The NxStage systems require a prescription for use.

Certain forms of home hemodialysis have additional risks.

  • If a doctor prescribes more frequent home hemodialysis, vascular access is exposed to more frequent use which may lead to access related complications, including infection of the site. Doctors should evaluate the medical necessity of more frequent treatments and discuss the risks and benefits of more frequent therapy with users.
  • If a doctor prescribes “solo/independent” home hemodialysis without a care partner during waking hours, risks of significant injury or death increase because no one is present to help users respond to health emergencies. If users experience needles coming out, blood loss, or very low blood pressure during solo home hemodialysis, they may lose consciousness or become physically unable to correct the health emergency. Users will need additional ancillary devices and training to perform solo home hemodialysis.
  • If a doctor prescribes “nocturnal” home hemodialysis at night while the user and a care partner are sleeping, risks increase due to the length of treatment time and because therapy is performed while users and their care partners are sleeping. These risks include, among other things, blood access disconnects and blood loss during sleep, blood clotting due to slower blood flow or increased treatment time or both, and delayed response to alarms when waking from sleep.


  1. NxStage Medical, Inc. (2020). VersiHD User Guide. Lawrence, MA.
  2. Data on File. NxStage Medical. 2024

APM5168 Rev. A