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Water technology solutions

High quality water technology dialysis products and services tailored to your needs


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Applications to suit customers, not the other way round.

We provide high quality water technology products and services for dialysis, tailored to your needs. Your benefits are long-term improvement in patient outcome, savings in costs and time, easy handling and the reliability of our systems.

Different perspectives, different requirements, different questions. One tailor-made answer

Many factors, such as size and workload of dialysis center, inlet water quality and local guidelines, affect the requirements for technical equipment. Even personal preferences have an impact on the system design (e.g. on the interior design of treatment rooms). For that we offer a wide range of services and products for different needs. You as customer mention your demands and we arrange your individual package of products and services.

Water technology services

Planable costs and transparency

In times of rising commodity prices, it is important to have an accurate knowledge of consumption figures and to reduce these as best possible. We developed eco4dialysis to provide this level of cost transparency. Working with you, we will determine your savings potential and fine-tune your system to fit in with your individual dialysis center concept. This will give you a better understanding of the possible costs and savings in operation.

Individual project engineering

When working with Health Care Professionals on a project, these are typical steps or project phases, we go through. On step is to visualize all parts of the project — from beginning to end. We offer a comprehensive range of water technologies. Each system is individually adapted to the local conditions and your requirements. Another step is to collect the customer’s requirements. We developed a special questionnaire for recording all your individual needs. Every project is unique as we have to construct the water treatment, depending on the local requirements. Another step is to envision the projects final state, in detail, using engineering tools. The base for a successful project is a detailed specification of the complete system, which is illustrated by means of detailed plans of your center.

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